I'm posting pictures from this last month or so--since the last post. Some of them I took while on an extended mosey yesterday in the sunshine, and I wouldn't have them if things had gone as originally planned. A weekend in Stockholm was the plan, but things fell through, as they sometimes do. Disappointment? Of course. But when you step back and think about it, a weekend in Paris really isn't too shabby.
These pictures are all out of order, so hold on to your seats.

My host dad, Jean-Jacques, and host brother, Olivier. This was monday lunch on the french Labor Day. Please note the berets and the piece of paper rolled up to look like a cigar in Olivier's mouth. Craziness ensues chez Jean-Jacques anytime most of the family's over for a celebration. It's a shame I don't have a video of these two singing french drinking songs and playing with their berets.

Muguets (lillies of the valley) that Chantal gave to my roommate and I for Labor Day. They're traditional "portes bonheurs," or good luck charms.

Fontaine de Medicis in the Jardins du Luxembourg, complete with nose, mouth, and chin. Every now and again, this fountain is used to exhibit modern art. The most recent installation.

Part of the same display as the previous picture. One of the entrances to the garden has been lined with bamboo, the ground covered in blue sand, and these fabric photos hung up. I don't exactly know what it's all about, but thought it was interesting.

Bibliothèque François Mitterand. It's the national library (kind of like the Library of Congress) near my house. It's four buildings that are supposed to look like open books.

Again (like the bus shot) not too exciting, but something I see all the time--the view from my bed out of my skylight.

Met up with my cousin Jason and his wife Anita Kay one night for dinner while they were in town for a couple of days. Note presence of uncontrolable chunk of bang hair. Oh, and don't be fooled by the summer dress--it was FREEZING. But worth it to have a fun dinner with some family I hadn't seen in a while.

From dinner with Jason and Anita Kay. I thoroughly enjoyed my steak tartar as well as the bewildered looks on my cousins' faces. Oh, the things you learn to eat. (By the way, steak tartar is raw ground beef, with lots of yummy seasonings.)
That's all you get for now, guys. Hopefully I'll at least get in one more update before I fly out!