I'm back in the good ol' US of A and what's even more unbelievable, I've been here nearly a month. I constantly oscillate between not being able to believe that I once lived in Paris to not being able to believe that I'm already gone.
Life back in Chattanooga has been surprisingly easy to slip back into--I tell myself that that is more a fruit of "cultural flexibility" than some discounting or forgetting of my time in France.
The actual trip home was rather uneventful, and after a few delays, a few cries, and a few in-flight movies, and a few too many goodbyes before all that, I was happy to see my family again, standing patiently at the top of the escalator in the Atlanta airport.
I thought I'd have a lot to say, to wind up this sometime chronicle of my year in Paris, but I'm finding as I write that there's not much to say. Just that the year was one of the best, and most impactful times of my life so far. It was incredible, and it's over for now. I'm back in the States, enjoying my time at home and eagerly looking forward to my return to Paris, planning new ways to get myself abroad. After I get that degree, of course ;)
So. Until the next foray à l'étranger,