
(change of plans and pictures)

First order of business: I'm not going to Villefranche-de-Rouergue after all. Rather, I found out today that I'll be working in the much more pronounceable town of Rodez, in the same area. Seems that it's a good thing I couldn't make any plans ahead of time, or else this switch might have been pretty inconvenient. As it stands now, however, the only changes I'll need to make are the ones of my vague mental picture of how my life will be. Rodez is larger than the teensy V-de-R, lines of transportation are a bit more direct, and it seems that I might even be able to stay in an apartment at one of the high schools for the year (ie, cheaply, I hope).

Another positive aspect of this change is that I won't be the only assistant in town. I feel like I just barely dodged an isolation-loneliness bullet, and am happy to have been in contact with two girls who are already living at the Lycee Foch (the aforementioned high school). They seem open and sweet, and I'm looking forward to meeting them. Additionally, they've assured me that Rodez is great, and that people there have been quite welcoming. I'll arrive there next Wednesday, the 24th.

In other news, I think it's time I finally rewarded my faithful readership with the ability to be my faithful viewership, too. So without further ado, PICTURES!

Watch out--there are lots!

*I can't seem to upload pictures to this post and keep the text normal--so I've posted the pics in a second post, which you will find below.


Anonymous said...

So great to hear about the new placement (and non-isolation)! I'm hoping that will mean an address soon?

Also, I loved the pictures. Always fun to feel like I can share a slice of the experience.

Betty Carlson said...

I blog all about Aveyron and one of my daughters goes to Lycée Foch which you mentioned. I hope you enjoy Rodez. You didn't mention what school you'll be at, though. I'm assuming you're a German assistant?

Good luck and feel free to contact me through my profile if you need any advice.

Bon courage!