
(laugh out loud)

Another amusing moment from a faraway classroom: 

Today I surveyed a CE2 class (3rd graders) to see what they had already learned in English. It is their first year, but French kids in general hear a handful of English words through cartoons, advertisements, what-have-you, and in my brief experience, they love sharing those knowledge nuggets with me and their classmates. After hearing the standard "dogs and cats" and "hellos," Matthieu raised his hand and pronounced a word with which I was unfamiliar: "luhl" (imagine a French accent). I asked him to repeat it, and then finally asked him what it means in French. Matthieu responded succinctly, "Well, you say it when something is, you know, funny." 

It then dawned on me that Matthieu was pronouncing "LOL" à la française. I LOLed in response, but quietly, and then took a short rabbit trail with the class where we discussed the difference between words you use in regular speech and words you use in "textos" (text messages). 

Ah, the glories of the English language...

*For those of you who don't know what LOL means, it stands for Laugh Out Loud, and is often used in text messages and online chats.


Avispa said...

that's a pretty cute story! Keep 'em pumpin...haha I love your blog.

PS I'd love to visit you. I'm having trouble finding tickets in my price range... so I guess we'll see. keep up your good work!!!

A Bookish Woman said...



Monday Pants said...

this is great. I have told this story like 10 times to various people who have all gotten a kick out of it. oh french children. they are just too cute for words.