
from the "cybercafé"

So...I am officially in the city of Paris. Getting here was certainly one of the more challenging things I've done--it has taken close to two days. Amy and I are exhausted after lugging our year's worth of luggage (epiphany: that's why they call it LUGgage) around the Paris train system today and trying to sort through the barrage of French assailing our brains. But this all is, of course, to be expected, and under the circumstances we're managing pretty well. To be honest, today has been very disorienting and frustrating, and I would appreciate your prayers. I'm still so thankful to get to do this, and I hope to have more entertaining things to tell soon! I love and miss you all already--



Anonymous said...

Ne vous découragez pas, voyageuses intrépides Amy et Emilee! Votre vieux prof, Dr. Smith, vous surveile de loin d'un oeil bienveillant. Vous êtes jeunes, énergiques, entreprenantes. Ecoutez cette belle langue de toutes vos oreilles, faites des amitiés si possible, et mangez bien. Et surtout ne n'oubliez pas de nous tenir au courant de vos aventures sur le blog de temps en temps.
Bon courage, votre vieux prof de Berry.

Virginia said...

Wow!!! I am so excited for you, Emilee. I am imagining you in PARIS, dealing with the metro and trying to figure out what folks are saying to you. I dare you to grin at some stranger today and give 'em a "Bonjour, Y'all!". I do miss you; keep posting so I can enjoy your trip vicariously. I, too, love you enough to have created a blog (empty) just so I can respond. I think for French homework soon I will have Dan message you in French. Let me know his grade!
Much love,

Virginia said...
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