
Back to school!

Well, today was a milestone, I suppose. My first day of class at "La Catho." Even though it wasn't very eventful, and seemed quite normal, I feel that it warrants at least a line or two in the blog. Since I did technically come here to study...

The class was three hours long--as are all my classes. Which is why they only meet once per week. Very diverse class, nationality-wise, age-wise, etc.

I really feel like there isn't much more worth saying. A rainy chilly school day, interrupted by a nutella crepe with coconut! I really MUST control myself with these crepes. They are just so yummy...and hot...and who doesn't love nutella?


Virginia said...

Oh my, I wish I had the vocabulary to lapse into French at this point! Unfortunately it has been too long and I would be too worried about my grammar. I love the pictures. Please, please take lots of pics of the Opera House, especially the cavern. I've not seen the movie Phantom of the Opera but I loved the book when I finally read it (in English, I must confess). I hope that you are doing well with the strikes that are going on; please update us on that so we all know how to pray for you. Now go wander around and have a glass of wine for me! I miss you.

Matteo said...

mmm...nutella....so yes...class...well...class is class...and i like ellipses.....

ok enough with that...umm...i still haven't found my phone..and I'm bored at ISA...you got a letter! but not a fun letter :(...so i figure i'll just bring it by when i come home tonight. Ciao

Michael said...

Emilie, quel plaisir pour ton vieux prof ici à Berry de pouvoir participer de loin à tes aventures! Ici tout continue comme d'habitude. Grégoire est allé à une conférence je ne sais pas trop où, et moi je continue à faire piocher mes étudiants qui patauguent à mes côtés. Mais alors les cours mêmes, comment vont-ils? Je sais que vous apprenez, Amy et toi, partout, de la vraie vie à Paris--mais l'ambiance estudiantine comment la trouvez-vous? Et les profs de la Catho comment sont-ils? Y a-t-il des religieux en habit noir? L'enseignement même vaut-il?
Merci d'avoir pris tant de belles photos.