
Killing time before dinner...

Did you read that title? I've always thought that it was such a violent phrase. I mean, who really feels the need to "kill" time, in addition to being idle in it? Anyway, I have digressed even before I have begun.

It is a rainy fall evening in Paris. (It was, incidentally, a rainy, cold morning in Paris, and a brilliant, sunny afternoon.) I woke up not too long ago from a nap underneath the raindrops plopping on my skylight. Quite cozy, and worth it I would say--even if it has made me a bit groggy. Hey! Perhaps this is a good opportunity to post a couple of pictures of my room...

This is my bed. It's in one corner of our attic-turned-bedroom. It's under a gigantic skylight, which means that I don't even need to roll over to see what the weather is like when I wake up. The plant you see hanging darkly from the ceiling is José. I am already quite attached to my little corner of the room, as it is mine, the bed is comfy, and the whole atmosphere is just cozy. Especially at night! The only misleading thing about this picture is the television. It doesn't actually work, which I like.

This is our teeny little bathroom. It's hard to turn around without runningn into something, but it's really quite rare that D'yon (my roommate) and I would have our own. The toilet paper is pink, by the way. Like most toilet paper I've seen here. Oh, and that's the shower coming in on the right side. I know you all probably don't need to see my bathroom, but I thought it would be fun to show it to you anyway!

And lastly, the final piece of my living space: D'yon, the roommate. Don't worry--she's not always like this, and she doesn't have a green face. I took this one evening when we were all having fun, and she had found this mask on the ledge above her bed. Yes, what IS a room without a roommate?
Would you like to know some things that have happened in the last few days to make life pleasant? I thought as much.

1. I purchased some basic school supplies. Getting new school supplies (or any paper product, for that matter) is one of my favorite things to do--especially when they are new, exciting, French school supplies!
2. I also purchased a phone! It was fairly inexpensive, it's a phone that I really like using, and it just makes me feel a bit more secure in the middle of such a big city, living so disconnectedly from people. Yay for a phone! This is my phone number (not because I expect you to use it, just for fun. Because it's a French number!):

2. Spent the late morning/early afternoon meandering about Versailles. What a ridiculously oppulant, grandiose palace! I did enjoy the gardens very much, in the surprise weather--the sky cleared up and turned into a magnificent, breezy, clear fall day! I knowI say this all the time, but pictures are coming--it's just quite a hassle to get them onto the right computer.

3. Tonight is "Nuit Blanche" for all of Paris. This translates to English as "White Night." Basically, most of the city stays up all night long, one night per year. The museums, theaters, bars, metros, etc. stay open, and everyone who can stay awake can do as they please. I think it's a very fun idea--though I have no inkling as to what I'll end up doing! I take that back--I do at least know that I'll meet a big group of ISA kids at Notre Dame, have a little wine by the Seine, and then see where we end up. I for one am hoping this involves crêpes or pastries!
Alright--off to dinner! Bon soir tout le monde!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Emilee- I love your room!!!!! It looks like such a cozy fun place. I am so glad that you are enjoying yourself! I can't wait to see more pictures! Much Love,