
(moving day)

That's right, I said moving day! 

Sandra and I (my as-of-today flatmate) met with the super-nice landlords of the perfect furnished tw0-bedroom apartment this morning, and...We've already moved in! After well over a month of living out of my suitcases, it is so invigorating to know that I have my own, real place to go home to tonight. I'm enjoying my chocolat chaud more than ever at my favorite internet haunt on this freezing, rainy day as I take a few moments to reconnect with the rest of the world and share my good news! Fortunately, the sun peeked out just long enough for Sandra and I to drag our luggage to 59 rue Béteille without getting soaked. And as Rodez is built on a big hill, I'm also quite thankful that the apartment is downhill from the foyer where we were staying. 

I will post pictures soon (I already have them, but they take forever to load onto the blog). For now, I'm in a bit of a rush because we've got guests coming over for dinner and I have potato soup to make! I'm really excited to spend our first night in our new home having a dinner party! I invited the two American girls and their German flatmate by text, and then invited the other two assistants (English and Scottish) as I ran into them separately while "out on the town" setting up bank accounts and getting the internet ball rolling. 


Oh, and look! I have real-person contact information again! Here it is: 

Emilee Head
59 rue Béteille
12000 RODEZ 


A Bookish Woman said...

Oh Friend! My heart is beaming with joy that you got that flat and that life seems to already be coming around splendidly. So glad to have your address...You'd best believe you're getting a Sarah Card within 9 to 12 days. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Yes! Hooray for addresses! TX mail to follow!

Double hooray for dinner parties! Always a wonderful way to warm a new flat.