A view of Paris from the Seine. What more do I need to say here? I could mention that if you look carefully to the left, you'll see a spire and a tower--that's Notre Dame, on the other end of the Ile de France.
On the side of the pathway leading to Chenonceau, one of the Chateaux we visited earlier this month on the trip to the Loire Valley. Nothing too special, just sweet and idyllic-looking. The biggest deal for me that day was that it wasn't asphalt or concrete! (I'm finding that I enjoy life in the city much more than I ever expected, but I still do miss the open outdoors from time to time.)

I really enjoyed taking pictures of the flamethrowers who had situated themselves just in front of Notre Dame on Nuit Blanche. Nothing could have thrilled this little pyromaniac's heart more! If I let myself go crazy, you'd probably have quite a few pictures of the flamethrowers to look at, but I'm going to exert a little self control, and move onto something else! Oh, also--if you see the little blue blobs in the background, they're streetlamps whose bulbs had been replaced with blue ones for the festivities.
Ok, my computer has officially refused to upload any more pictures. I don't know why. I think I'll publish these, and see if it will cooperate if I start a new entry...
Hey Emilee, it's Drew. I hope you haven't forgotten me. Anyways, I just talked to Ann who tells me you had no idea about the rioting in Paris. Honestly, that disturbs me. Eight nights of violence only miles from where you are and you had no idea? No one talked about it in class, you never saw the news or a paper or heard anyone on the streets? Or are they just trying to keep it that hush? How immersed are you really getting if you don't know about something so huge going on in your own city? I don't mean to sound too critial, but seriously, I just want you to make the most of your time there. Do you ever just ask someone in the park about politics or their opinion on some hot button there and listen? Anyways, I need to run to dinner. I hope you are doing well.
Hello Emilee,
I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday. I LOVE the picture of Notre Dame at night! You are quite a photographer and while yes, it does seem a bit unusual, I really like it! Thanks so much...again!...for sharing this with us. I am having so much fun in Paris etc., with you!
Take care!
Hey, I heard about the rioting in Paris and hoped you were alright. It doesn't sound like stuff is happening in the city proper...are people nervous about it?
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