Alright, everyone! I've been off traveling again, this time east of France--to Berlin and Prague during my semester break. What can I say? It was really a wonderful trip, in so many ways! Just the fact of a change of scenery was so energizing, not to mention that this change of scenery involved spending time with a good friend I hadn't seen in a long time, and seeing beautiful new places! So, this is going to be mostly a picture entry, because it's so hard to try to sum up these experiences, and somehow communicate to you a good idea of what my time has been like. If I've learned one thing, it's that it is impossible to impart a good understanding of life here to others just through pictures and words. But I'll content myself with a few pics and a few lines, and that's better than nothing, right? So, on with the pictures!
The roof of the Sony building in Berlin. The key here is to notice how blue the sky is...a rarity these days, and quite the treat. Having a few hours of cloudless skys and sunshine will do wonders for your attitude, and it was just what I needed. And of course, there's just the fact that this is a pretty cool roof. 
Brandenburg Gate. I'm realizing that I can't take a straight picture to save my life, but here it is nevertheless. 
Look at that blue sky! Ok, and I suppose also look at the building. The German equivalent of the Capitol building, basically. Lots and lots of German flags. (This is notable in Europe--believe it or not, not every nation has it's flag on practically everyone's front porch, or on store fronts, etc.)

Me with one of the many "Berlin Bears." I mean, I was a tourist, after all...and what's tourism in Berlin without silly pictures with the bears?
Gr. I'm not sure what the deal is with blogspot, but it has, once again, stopped uploading my photos. So for now, this will have to do. I have every intention of carrying on, perhaps in a couple of hours or maybe tomorrow. Enjoy these, for now!
1 comment:
Yippee, more pictures!!! I heard rumors that some were coming. Emilee that first shot is fantastic. You ought to enter some of these in the fair when you get home. Now wasn't that a provincial thing for me to say? Europe is so different. It is hard for us to understand if we haven't been outside our own borders. I am so glad you got to go off during semester break and excited to hear about this new semester. Have a blast and remember that we all love you, miss you and are praying for you.
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