Anne and me at Sanssouci. This and the next couple of pictures are from a bit earlier, from Anne's camera. Thus, I am in them, and decided they merit posting.

On top of the Dom (cathedral) in Greifswald.

We found a real, live hedgehog in Anne's yard one night on our way home!

Something I've done a good bit of, lately--sleeping on trains.

Hannah, Eric (The friends who showed up in Berlin and surprised me!), and I visiting the East Side Gallery in Berlin--basically a long stretch of the old Wall full of art and graffiti.

Hannah, ever the patriot, at Dunkin' Donuts in Potsdamer Platz (Berlin).

Hannah and Eric in the Memorial for the Murdered Jews of Europe.

Standing in East and West Berlin, looking short!

This is a Döner. It is one of the best inventions of all time.

See how happy it makes me?

This picture makes me giggle. Seriously, check out the faces.

Everyone seemed amused that I was the perfect height to blend in with the mini-bears of many nations.

Anne and I saw the Blue Man Group! It's a really incredible show.

The last after-school coffee with the Kutzners for a while. Really a very nice time of day.

After a flight from Berlin to Paris, and a night spent with my old host family, I set off for Rodez on an 8-hour train ride. I was prepared for the trip with the essentials: a window seat, music, pen, paper, and sudoku.

I also took pictures out the window on occasion to keep myself occupied.

My first jambon beurre since being back in France! Basically one of the most delicious sandwiches around--ham, butter, baguette. I had this one at the train station in Brive la Gaillarde, where I changed train stations via bus.

One of the little villages we drove through on the 30-minute bus ride. It was seriously a very picturesque day, in general.

The "giant" train station that the bus delivered us to. This is where we boarded the ONE CAR train that would carry me the last three hours to Rodez.

The parts of my life that I lugged around...and lugged around some more. And don't be deceived--they may be different sizes, but because of the weight limits on the flight from Berlin, they weigh pretty much the same. Around 20 kilos each...or 44 pounds. I was proud of myself for handling them up and down stairs, lifting them onto trains, into the luggage compartment on the plane, etc.

The train ride continued to provide me with beautiful views as I traveled farther south.


My first picture of my new home! This was on my way to dinner from the foyer where I'm currently staying.

The view from my room is also not too shabby! You can see the valley/hills just beyond the rooftops.

The street near my foyer. You can see the tower of the cathedral as you walk towards the center of town. And yes, most streets look like this.

This is a picture of the cafe with wifi that I have been frequenting. It's where I am if I'm emailing, blog posting, browsing, searching for apartments, etc. It's where I am RIGHT NOW, actually.

A park I found on my first day of exploring.

More exploration.

I also found a lookout point (Rodez is on a big hill, if you hadn't figured that out yet) not far from my foyer.

Trying to get acquainted with my new home!

Groceries! I love eating in France. Wine is good and cheap, figs are big and yummy, clementines are everywhere, etc.
I hope you feel a little updated, now! I'll hopefully post something written soon, as there's plenty to tell! But for now, try to content yourselves with the pictures, ok?
HI! Thanks for your comment. Maybe we will even be able to meet up sometime. It's funny for me to see these blog photos of Rodez as I am about the only person who blogs about it, it would seem.
Enjoy the sunny weekend!
I feel a little bit jealous but oh, so happy that you're somewhere cool and interesting and that you have cheap wine and a bottle opener.
OH Emilee. Oh man on man. I am completely in love with your life and glad you are living it. I can live vicariously through your words and pictures and AT THE SAME TIME still experience my awesomely boring life in Rome... what a treat!
Love the pictures! Thanks so much for posting them. It all looks amazing and I love the shots in Germany. I miss you!
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