However, a few "housekeeping" notes (hm...somehow that term "housekeeping notes" has a new meaning for me...):
I'm experimenting with the way I want my site to look. Blogspot doesn't give quite as much leeway in choosing colors and such, so for the moment I'm enjoying the simplicity of this nice black and white page. I figure my pictures should spice it up enough.
Note number two: you will have noticed (I assume) the previous four entries. They are not in English. This is because I set this site up originally as part of a French project last semester. If you're interested in sitting around trying to figure out what I managed to ramble about en francais, then by all means enjoy yourself. Otherwise, just don't worry about them. so...

So this was waayyy back at the beginning of the summer, when we were all full of grand plans and giddy with the prospect of uninterrupted study-free months (mostly). Grand plan number one? Have dinner parties all the time, with food from different areas each time and a movie to accompany. Grand total of dinner parties had? One. But it was a good one! This is Ann and Jordan pulling our appetizer out of the oven--just before we set up the table and enjoyed a French meal of pissaladière, cheese fondue, bread, etc. We had so much fun cooking everything and just being stupid in the process.

The best part of the meal was by far the "bombe"--an ice cream creation with layers of strawberry ice cream, rasperry and mango sorbet. Here it is--not quite as beautiful as we'd planned, but still quite tasty:
Ok, well, I've practiced putting up pictures, even if they aren't very very exciting ones. Perhaps I'll have fun remembering fun summer stuff and put up more pictures for you. If not, then--certainly you should expect pictures once I fly away on September 10! (A date which is, incidentally, 35 days away. *panicked giddiness*)
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